36 Ways to Find Leads

36 Ways to Find Leads

Here’s a list we shared in a power point during one of our investor meetings. What can you add?

Other Investors                            Mortgage Brokers
Real Estate Agents                       Private Money Lenders
Mentors                                          Newspaper Ads
Websites                                         Internet

Phone Book Ads                            Signs
Market Bulletin Boards               Magnetic Auto Signs
Pizza Box Ads                                Stuffers
Radio Ads                                       TV Ads
Bird Dogs                                        T-shirts / Caps
Public Speaking                             Business Cards
Farming Neighborhoods              Classified Ads
Networking                                     Local Investment Clubs
Homebuilders                                 Attorneys
Newspapers “Stickers”                  Family Members
Flyers                                                Targeted Postcards / Letters
Friends                                              Foreclosure Lists
Courthouse                                       Probate Lists
For Sale by Owner signs/ads        Coupon Mailers

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