When Will You be a Top 1 Percent Earner?

When Will You be a Top 1 Percent Earner?

As real estate investors, most of us have a goal to make enough money to be able to do what we want, whenever we want, for as long as we want. Not so different than the goal for most others in this country!

I, for one, have never cared that there is a 1 percent in this country, I simply decided that I’d like to get there. How? In fact, what qualifies as the top 1 percent of income in this country? Or even the top 1 percent in your state?

I read an interesting article on CNBC and I want to share the state-by-state highlights here so you can see where you fall as compared to other earners in your state.

I’m fascinated by how diverse the numbers are around the country. Here, in North Carolina, we’re pretty much right in the middle. If your goal is to be in the top 1 percent of income earners in your state, perhaps the easiest thing would be to move to Mississippi?

Here are the minimum household incomes needed to be in the top 1 percent in each state:

  1. Connecticut: $700,800
  2. District of Columbia: $598,155
  3. New Jersey: $588,575
  4. Massachusetts: $582,774
  5. New York: $550,174
  6. California: $514,694
  7. Colorado: $458,576
  8. Illinois: $456,377
  9. Washington: $451,395
  10. Maryland: $445,783
  11. North Dakota: $445,415
  12. Minnesota: $443,118
  13. Texas: $440,758
  14. Virginia: $425,144
  15. Florida: $417,587
  16. South Dakota: $407,406
  17. Wyoming: $405,596
  18. New Hampshire: $405,286
  19. Alaska: $400,017
  20. Pennsylvania: $388,593
  21. Kansas: $375,344
  22. Utah: $374,467
  23. Georgia: $371,811
  24. Nebraska: $363,310
  25. Oregon: $358,937
  26. Wisconsin: $349,905
  27. Rhode Island: $346,657
  28. North Carolina: $343,066
  29. Nevada: $341,335
  30. Delaware: $340,770
  31. Ohio: $334,979
  32. Oklahoma: $333,139
  33. Tennessee: $332,913
  34. Iowa: $331,572
  35. Arizona: $331,074
  36. Michigan: $328,649
  37. Missouri: $326,839
  38. Vermont: $321,969
  39. Montana: $321,849
  40. South Carolina: $318,463
  41. Louisiana: $318,393
  42. Indiana: $316,756
  43. Idaho: $314,53
  44. Hawaii: $310,5662
  45. Maine: $303,897
  46. Alabama: $297,564
  47. Kentucky: $274,818
  48. West Virginia: $258,078
  49. New Mexico: $255,429
  50. Arkansas: $255,050
  51. Mississippi: $254,362

Source: Economic Policy Institute

Are you happy with where you stand? Surprised at how close or how far you are from the top? Thinking about moving?

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