Search results for ‘marketing’
Target Marketing Your Property to the Right Prospects
Are you marketing a property to sell? Have you considered who it is, exactly, that your marketing should target?
Online Marketing – Any Marketing, Actually
What everyone cares about first and foremost is themselves. When looking at your product, they want to know:
Should You Be Marketing to Women?
Single female buyers accounted for nearly twice as large a share as single male buyers for both first-time buyers and repeat buyers.
How Much Should You Spend on Marketing?
Anyone can open a business but, if you want customers, you’d better be marketing.
Cold Calling vs. Direct Mail Marketing
The best marketing is never about you. Don’t work to get your prospects to know you – work to get to know them.
Direct Mail Marketing
Marketing is vital whether buying or selling but it can be quite expensive. Here are some marketing strategies that work.
Marketing for $100 per Month
Here are some very inexpensive ways for you to begin your marketing efforts:
Real Estate Investing in the Time of Covid
What we’re doing in our Real Estate Investing in the Time of Covid.
Do You Focus on a Particular Investment Strategy?
When investing in real estate, where do you focus? What do you study?