Category: Buying a Home

Need Help Selling Your House?

Need Help Selling Your House?

Here is a video that describes who we are and what we do:

Can You Negotiate With Wholesalers?

Can You Negotiate With Wholesalers?

You can negotiate with anyone! What’s important so that you don’t pay too much for a property is:

How to Speak With a Seller When Buying a House

How to Speak With a Seller When Buying a House

Having an important conversation is not necessarily easy. Here are some negotiation key points:

10 Tips for First Time Home Buyers

10 Tips for First Time Home Buyers

Planning to buy a home? Here are some necessary things to be aware of:

Home Inspections - What to Look For

What Home Inspectors Look For

Buying or selling? You’ll probably be involved with a home inspection. What do home inspectors look for and why?

What if the Seller Owes More Than You Can Offer?

What if the Seller Owes More Than You Can Offer?

The sellers position cannot influence your bottom line number. So, if they owe too much, what do you do?

Never Bet on the Future

Never Bet on the Future

A deal that may work out in the future isn’t a deal, it’s a hope. Here’s what to do instead:

Why Should a Seller Work With You?

Why Should a Seller Work With You?

As you can see, it’s about a lot more than your offer.

Have You Ever Purchased a Hoarder House?

Have You Ever Purchased a Hoarder House?

After buying houses for years, I realize that hoarder houses are everywhere. Shocking! Check this out:

15 Tips for Negotiating Your Purchase Price

15 Tips for Negotiating Your Purchase Price

Here are 15 things that make the negotiations much more simple and successful for everyone involved:

Winter is Coming - It's a Great Time for Real Estate Investing

Winter is Coming – It’s a Great Time for Real Estate Investing

Many investors say that December or January are their most profitable months. Why?

Wholesale, Wholetail, Assignment - What's the Difference?

Wholesale, Wholetail, Assignment – What’s the Difference?

Investors often discuss these buying/selling techniques without knowing the differences. Let’s clear that up: