Category: Mother Earth

Build a House for $8.33 per square foot

Build a House for $8.33 per square foot

You can build your own cob house with little money (a mixture of straw, clay, and sand similar to adobe) for $ 8.33 per square foot.

What to do With Your Christmas Tree after the Holidays

What to do With Your Christmas Tree after the Holidays

Don’t just throw it out! Here are some alternatives.

Plastic Bag Tax

Plastic Bag Tax

There are 19 million less plastic bags in a landfill because of this tax in only 4 months!

Free Energy Audit for Your Home

Free Energy Audit for Your Home

Did you know you can get a free energy audit for your home? Have you had yours yet?

Green Walls by Nature!

Green Walls by Nature!

Check out these green walls!

What defines "Building Green"?

What defines “Building Green”?

What exactly is “Green”? What makes a product Green? Can you make a product Greener?

Happy Day after Earth Day!

Happy Day after Earth Day!

What did you do on Earth Day for Mother Earth? More importantly, what are you doing today?

Building Green

Building Green

We have to redesign ground up! What does efficiency and building green look like?