Category: The Essential Handbook for Buying a Home

21 More Ways to Find Real Estate Leads

21 More Ways to Find Real Estate Leads

Another list of 21 things you can do at any time to speak with sellers and buy properties:

How to Speak With a Seller When Buying a House

How to Speak With a Seller When Buying a House

Having an important conversation is not necessarily easy. Here are some negotiation key points:

If I Were to Start My Real Estate Investing Over Again Today

If I Were to Start My Real Estate Investing Over Again Today

If I were to start my real estate investing over again today, knowing what I know now, what I would do differently is:

4 Important Tips for First Time Home Buyers

4 Important Tips for First Time Home Buyers

Tips that you’ll need to know when you’re trying to buy a home:

The ABCs of Me

The ABCs of Me

This is a very interesting practice that you may want to try for yourself.

35 Ways to Market for Sellers

35 Ways to Market for Sellers

What’s the best way to find people who are ready to sell their homes? Here are 35 suggestions.

Why Should You Own a Home?

Why Should You Own a Home?

Here’s a 22 second video showing another advantage of home ownership.

Buying a Home - Getting Started

Buying a Home – Getting Started

Thinking of buying a home? The time’s never been a better time, but there are important tips to follow before you begin your search:

The Essential Handbook for Buying a Home

What do First Time Homebuyers Look For?

A recent study shows how important the following home-buying factors were to buyers. If you’re selling, you need to know.

To Buy or to Rent in Today's Real Estate Market?

To Buy or to Rent in Today’s Real Estate Market?

Is buying best? How do you know? Rather than guess, here are some tips to help you decide:

New Rules Concerning Short Sales

Closing Costs – The Unexpected Costs of Buying a House

There are costs, in addition to the purchase price, you will incur at the time of closing. What are they?

Is it OK to Ask Your Real Estate Agent for a Discount?

Is it OK to Ask Your Real Estate Agent for a Discount?

Today’s real estate transactions are more difficult and cumbersome than ever before. Is it OK to Ask Your Real Estate Agent for a Discount?