Category: Renting/Leasing a Home

How To Find Tenants for Your Rental Properties

How To Find Tenants for Your Rental Properties

Here are some ways to help you find tenants for your rental properties:

How Far Away Are Your Rental Properties?

How Far Away Are Your Rental Properties?

I have a very definite answer for myself, so following .are some thoughts about location.

Is the Cost of Owning Rentals Worth It?

Is the Cost of Owning Rentals Worth It?

Pros vs. cons of holding rentals leads to a decision to hold or not to hold. Here are my reasons:

The Fair Housing Act - Service/ Emotional Support Animals

The Fair Housing Act – Service/ Emotional Support Animals

Most of your service and emotional support animal questions will be covered by the FHAA. Here’s what it says:

Service Animals / Emotional Support Animals - What You Need to Know

Service Animals / Emotional Support Animals – What You Need to Know

Is your tenant’s animal truly service or emotional support? Some things you need to know:

Don't Count on Rentals for Cash Flow

Don’t Count on Rentals for Cash Flow

In the beginning of your investment career, owning rentals can be more of an expense than an income. Here’s why:

What Tenants Need to Understand

What Tenants Need to Understand

If you’re a landlord, you have an immediate problem – tenants think you’re rich.

For most landlords, nothing could be further from the truth, but why would tenants know that?

National Landlord Tenant Guides

National Landlord Tenant Guides

This is a FABULOUS site for landlord/tenant laws.

What is a Lease-to-Own?

What is a Lease with Option to Purchase?

What is a lease with option to purchase, and is it right for you?

Unique Ways to Find a Rental Property

Unique Ways to Find a Rental Property

Problem finding what you’re looking for? Have you tried the following ideas?

Are You Buying or Renting?

Are You Buying or Renting?

There are certainly more things to consider than finances when finding a place to live, for example:

CitiMortgage Launches Home Rental Program

CitiMortgage Launches Home Rental Program

Citi’s goal is to allow owners to stay in their homes rather than being forced out through foreclosure. To qualify, an owner must:

To qualify, an owner must: