Category: House Pricing

How to Determine Your Selling Price

How to Determine Your Selling Price

Setting an accurate selling price is essential to getting it sold quickly and to maximize profit. Consider:

Let's look at some pros and cons of renting versus selling.

What is your Property Worth?

Buying? Selling? How do you find home values? Here are some free options:

Housing Affordability Index

Housing Affordability Index – Does it Matter to You?

With the housing affordability index, a higher index means greater purchasing power. Where are we?

Pricing Your House to Sell - the Comparable Sales Method

Pricing Your House to Sell – Comparable Sales Method

These four factors are easy to use, easy to find, and will give you a good idea of the value of your property.

Pricing Your House to Sell - Determining the Correct Amount

Pricing Your House to Sell – Determining the Correct Amount

As a follow-up to the last article, Pricing Your House to Sell, we’ll now dive into the pricing process.


How We Determine What We Can Offer on a Property

To determine what we can pay to purchase, we start with what it will cost us to sell at a later date, then we work our way back to today’s offer price.

Determining Property Values

Determining Property Values

2 methods for determining property value: you’ll need to adjust your numbers accordingly.

What is Your Home Really Worth?

What is Your Home Really Worth?

What is your home really worth and who makes that final decision?