Category: Building Green

Making the Most of Your Space

Very cool video showing how to transform a 420 square foot apartment into 1100 square feet of usable space.

Return on Investments - Stocks vs. Real Estate

Return on Investments – Stocks vs. Real Estate

Why do I pick real estate over stocks? A number of reasons including:

The House of Tomorrow

The House of Tomorrow

One thing for sure, building the same boxes over and over is no longer working.

May is National Home Improvement Month

May is National Home Improvement Month

NARI has 3 suggestions to homeowners for Home Improvement Month:

Building Permits - Do You Need One?

Building Permits – Do You Need One?

Building? Renovating? Do you need a permit? How do you find out?

Green tips - Water Conservation

Green tips – Water Conservation

About 75% of the earth is covered by water but less than 1% is available for us to use. Every drop counts!

Green Walls by Nature!

Green Walls by Nature!

Check out these green walls!

What defines "Building Green"?

What defines “Building Green”?

What exactly is “Green”? What makes a product Green? Can you make a product Greener?

Building Green

Building Green

We have to redesign ground up! What does efficiency and building green look like?