Category: Renting/Leasing a Home
NAR Rental Agreement
Can you use the National Association of Realtor’s Rental Agreement? Always be sure you’re using the correct paperwork.
Don’t Get Scammed When Looking for a Rental!
The facelessness of the internet makes scamming so much easier. How do you stay safe?
Let’s Go Girls..
Single women made up 20 percent of home buyers while single men only 12 percent. How does this impact you?
30 Questions a Tenant Will Ask Before Signing a Rental Contract
Following are some things a tenant will ask before signing a contract. Determine, ahead of time, what your answers will be!
RUCO vs. House Bill 554
A certificate of inspection is required on all rental properties here. Housing features covered by RUCO include:
Sell Your Home or Keep it and Rent it Out?
You may be wondering what would be best for you. Here are some things to consider:
Equity – New Work for Equity Requirements
Are you aware that there are new work for equity requirements? Do you even know what that means?