Category: Marketing
Follow Up with Every Potential Customer
The majority of your sales come customer relations, not from trying to sell something. Are you following up?
Online Marketing – Any Marketing, Actually
What everyone cares about first and foremost is themselves. When looking at your product, they want to know:
Where to Market When Selling a Home
As you’re looking for a buyer, you need to know where to market that buyers will find you.
Branding or Problem Solving? What do Your Customers Care About?
People don’t care about your name, your pet, or your logo. Their only interest in you is what you can do for them.
Advertising Clutter – Are You Being Seen?
Is your marketing being seen? Or is it lost in the noise of advertising? Are you believable? What are you doing to stand out?
Should You Be Marketing to Women?
Single female buyers accounted for nearly twice as large a share as single male buyers for both first-time buyers and repeat buyers.
Unique Ways to Sell a Home
There are a lot of homes for sale. How are you going to get yours noticed? How are you going to get yours sold?
Do Your Customers Trust Your Brand?
What have you done for your customers lately? Do your customers trust your brand? Do you give them reason to?
36 Ways to Find Leads
Here’s a list we shared in a power point during one of our investor meetings. What can you add?
How Much Should You Spend on Marketing?
Anyone can open a business but, if you want customers, you’d better be marketing.
Cold Calling vs. Direct Mail Marketing
The best marketing is never about you. Don’t work to get your prospects to know you – work to get to know them.